Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Perfect You in You

Let me start this with my conclusion statement: Christ in You is the Perfect You in You. Since I’m done with that; we can start from the beginning. Imagine yourself going to watch a movie and as you look the big poster outside and you see the words: The Perfect You in You.

You enter into the theatre and the movie begins with these big words: Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you,….2Cor 13:5…

Then suddenly on this screen appear You, the Perfect You. The Strong and Healthy You. The Joyful and Successful You. You are surprised and you call home and you tell everybody that you are watching a movie where you are starring. You tell them that in this movie you are rich; your debts are all paid; you are One of influence and everyone listens and loves you. And then the One speaking in the phone says: Yes that is the Real You; the Christ in You.

I invite you today to go to the theatre of your mind and watch this movie. This is what God sees in you everyday.
Not very far from the ‘Ego you’ lives The Perfect You. That is why the Spirit says ‘Let the weak say I’m strong’ Joel 3:10. Through visualization, meditations, affirmations and prayer you can journey from Your Ego to The Perfect One in You – The Christ in You. You are one with Christ and the Father sees Christ in You and He is pleased with what He sees.

(I write this inspired by Rev Ike’s message:” You Are Your Self Awareness” in his book Thinkonomics. I am honored to be connected to his messages through my mentors Bishop and Prophetess Makhanda; who are mentored by “Rev Ike’s Son amongst many”; Master Prophet Bishop Jordan)

Talk to you soon.