Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yesterday the 09-09-09

Welcome to the New Earth Ministries. This is an institution that has a mandate in this universe far bigger than my mind can explain. I'm so excited and I do not know where to start. And this is the excitement you will share as you partner with us.

Yesterday was the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth year in the new millenium. It was a time of birthing Life of Business, of Opportunities, new Ideas and all manner of Creativity. All these were at the womb of our subconcious mind. This was a day of manifesting the things or dominant thoughts that are at work within us. What did you manifest, what did you give birth to?

Father God promises that He is at work inThat Womb called your Sub concious Mind. He is busy with His mighty Power that is at work even as I speak. He is cleansing all the garbage that we have birthed without consciously asking or thinking. But from now onwards you will birth all the Good that you have not consciously asked or imagined. He is able to create short circuit past your conscious mind and plant things in your sub conscoius Mind. It could be that your conscious Mind is too hurt to take data. Allow Him through His Grace and Mercy to to this work because He is able. Ephesians 3:20

Have a good day
